A recent animated short in the Starfield: The Settled Systems series revealed that humans have created mechanized armor suits for warfare and interplanetary exploration. These mechs played a significant role in the Colony War fought near Akila City, suggesting that remnants of these machines may be found beyond the city walls.
With a vast universe to explore in Starfield, it is highly likely that old mech remnants can be discovered on various planets. As the game promises exciting features and a grand scale, ensuring that your rig meets the Starfield system requirements is recommended. However, two burning questions remain as the Starfield release date approaches: are there mechs in Starfield, and will players have the ability to pilot them?
Unfortunately, players will not be able to pilot mechs in Starfield. Todd Howard, the game’s director, confirmed the absence of ground vehicles for planetary exploration.
The existence of mechs in the Starfield universe was first confirmed through the anime series. Further insights into their history and their place in the official Starfield timeline were shared by lead writer Emil Pagliarulo.
Pagliarulo explained that mechs were remnants of the Colony War, with both the United Colonies and Freestar Collective utilizing them. The Freestar Collective, in particular, mastered mech technology. The United Colonies also had mechs but relied more on controlled alien beasts from their Xenowarfare division.
While the Starfield mechs were eventually outlawed in the Armistice that ended the Colony War, players may stumble upon old mech battlegrounds while exploring the game’s map. Scavenging abandoned war machines could yield valuable supplies and some of the best Starfield guns.
Although the dream of piloting Starfield mechs is currently unattainable, players can still enjoy the experience of spacecraft. Building and customizing your spaceship offers a unique and arguably cooler alternative. Whether it’s surviving dogfights in space combat or utilizing the best tech, there are tips and guides available to enhance the spaceship gameplay in Starfield.
To further quench your thirst for Starfield knowledge, a Starfield Database is available, offering daily news, searchable databanks, and interactive tools. While a Starfield wiki can provide useful information, this database goes the extra mile.