Nintendo Switch PS4 Video Games

Red Dead Redemption On Switch: An Impressive Port but a Pricey Proposition

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Red Dead Redemption On Switch: An Impressive Port but a Pricey Proposition | Gametides

Red Dead Redemption, one of Rockstar’s best games, has finally made its way to the Nintendo Switch and PS4 through newly released ports. While the Switch version holds up well, there are some drawbacks that make its $50 price tag hard to ignore.

Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption, released in 2010, was a highly acclaimed open-world action game set in the Wild West. It garnered numerous Game of the Year awards and later received a fantastic expansion called Undead Nightmare. However, Rockstar never released updated versions of the game until now, making it more accessible for Switch and PS4 owners.

On the positive side, Red Dead Redemption runs smoothly on the Nintendo Switch. Despite concerns about the Switch’s capabilities and potential porting issues, the game performs well, both in portable and docked mode. The experience remains unaffected by visual artifacts or significant performance problems. In fact, playing RDR on the Switch with its Pro controller can easily make you forget you’re playing a 13-year-old game on Nintendo’s console.

However, the port does have its flaws. Although the framerate is generally stable, certain situations like encountering too many enemies or visiting crowded areas can cause some slight dips. Nonetheless, this issue was present in the original Xbox 360 and PS3 versions as well, and the Switch version is comparatively more stable.

Despite its solid performance, this 13-year-old game conversion lacks online features and multiplayer modes. Additionally, the textures, models, and animations still reflect the game’s Xbox 360-era origins. While the game’s art design and atmosphere help it stand the test of time, it’s important to note that this is essentially the same old game.

The main issue lies in the price. Selling an old game for $50 without any 60fps option or visual enhancements might not be appealing to most players. Although the package includes the highly enjoyable Undead Nightmare expansion, the math doesn’t quite add up for many potential buyers.

Nevertheless, this re-release of Red Dead Redemption on the Switch and PS4 provides an opportunity to enjoy the beloved game on new platforms. While it may come at a steep price, it offers the convenience of playing a classic on the go, even if it lacks the bells and whistles of a modern remaster.

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