Area-of-Effect Attack Baldur's Gate 3 Boss Battles Combat Approach Conversation Approach Elemental Attacks Skill Checks Vulnerabilities

How to Defeat Thisobald Thorm in Baldur’s Gate 3

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How to Defeat Thisobald Thorm in Baldur's Gate 3 | Gametides

As you venture into the Shadowlands beyond Moonrise Towers in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll encounter various bosses, including Thisobald Thorm in the tavern. Defeating him can be quite challenging, but there are two ways to approach this battle: through conversation or combat.

Beating Thisobald Thorm through conversation requires a series of skill checks. Firstly, you’ll need to make a Saving Throw, which will vary based on your class, with a difficulty class (DC) of 14 or higher. If you succeed, you’ll need to perform a Performance check with a DC of 16. As this dialogue heavily relies on charisma, having your most charismatic party member engage in it is recommended. It’s also worth noting that using Inspiration to reroll can increase your chances of success.

After clearing the first set of checks, you’ll need to drink again and make a successful Saving Throw with a DC of 16, followed by another Performance check with a DC of 16 or higher. The story you choose to tell doesn’t affect the outcome. If you fail these checks, you have one last chance with a Deception check, but the DC is higher at 18. If you manage to pass all of these checks, Thisobald Thorm will explode from drinking, saving you from having to defeat him in combat.

If you prefer a more direct approach, you can engage Thisobald Thorm in combat. However, it’s important to note that he is immune to all physical attacks, including Thunder. To defeat him, you’ll need to rely on elemental attacks. After hitting him with an element, he’ll absorb it and use it against you on his next attack.

To successfully defeat Thisobald Thorm in combat, it’s advisable to spread out your characters. This will minimize the damage taken from his area-of-effect attack, which can cause significant harm to multiple characters. Additionally, summoning allies can help distract Thisobald Thorm and absorb some of the damage.

Keep your distance and use elemental spells to damage Thisobald Thorm. After a few turns, he will drink too much and enter the Blacked Out condition. In this state, he is vulnerable to double damage from Slashing, Bludgeoning, Piercing, Thunder, Radiant, and Force sources. Seize this opportunity to unleash your most powerful attacks.

Consider transforming one of your characters, such as a Druid, into a formidable creature like an Owlbear to deal substantial damage. Take advantage of Thisobald Thorm’s turn to continue dealing damage until he recovers, at which point he will lose his vulnerabilities and double damage resistances.

Once you have dealt enough damage to Thisobald Thorm, he will be defeated. Don’t forget to finish off any remaining minions. Afterward, claim the Worn Key and open the metal door at the back of the tavern. Explore and loot the area, and be sure to investigate his Research Journal to discover a powerful concoction you can create.

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