A recent animated short in the Starfield: The Settled Systems series revealed that humans have created mechanized armor suits for warfare and interplanetary exploration. These mechs played a significant role in the Colony War fought near Akila City, suggesting that remnants of these machines may be found beyond the city walls.
Entertainment game development Guide Video Games Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Easily Organize Your Inventory
As you embark on your adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3, your inventory will quickly fill up with various items. From mundane objects like skulls to powerful weapons, it can become overwhelming to manage all these items. If you find yourself struggling to keep your inventory organized, don’t worry, there is a simple solution.
0 411 0August 16, 2023 -
Entertainment game development Video Games Unlocking the Echoes of the Deep Tides Domain in Genshin Impact
In the latest update of Genshin Impact, players are treated to a plethora of new weapons, ranging from gacha-exclusives to learnable recipes. These weapons come with amazing new passives and abilities, but before you can fully unlock their potential, you’ll need to gather some exclusive, resin-locked materials. These materials can only be found in the Echoes of the Deep Tides domain, one of the new farming dungeons introduced in the 4.0 update.
0 363 0August 16, 2023 -
Character Building Classes Game Statistics Party Composition Paladin Is the Most Popular Class in Baldur’s Gate 3
When it comes to building your character in Baldur’s Gate 3, you have a wide range of choices. The game offers 12 different classes, catering to various playstyles and preferences. Since its launch on August 3, developer Larian Studios has provided some interesting statistics on the characters and decisions made by players. Surprisingly, one class stands out from the rest by a significant margin: Paladins.
0 269 0August 15, 2023