A recent animated short in the Starfield: The Settled Systems series revealed that humans have created mechanized armor suits for warfare and interplanetary exploration. These mechs played a significant role in the Colony War fought near Akila City, suggesting that remnants of these machines may be found beyond the city walls.
Baldur's Gate 3 battle scars blood and dirt removal character appearance game mechanics long rest short rest video game industry How to Remove Blood and Dirt in Baldur’s Gate 3
In a world with constant dangers popping out at every corner, the odds are that you and your party will receive some damage. In Baldur’s Gate 3, said damage will be noticeable on your character’s face and body. This will feature blood, dirt, mud, and even open wounds as a result of a confrontation. While the crude nature of battle makes this realistic, you might not want to see them all the time. Especially during some closeups during cutscenes or dialogues. Thankfully, there is a way to get rid of these battle scars. Here is how to remove blood and dirt in Baldur’s Gate 3.
0 255 0August 15, 2023