If you had told me back when the Switch came out that Nintendo would release a major Mario motion picture five years later starring Christopher Pratt, I might have believed you, but I wouldn’t have ever guessed it would go on to be one of the biggest box office hits of 2023. I also would never have guessed that it would one day be surpassed by a Barbie meta comedy starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling.
Baldur's Gate 3 battle scars blood and dirt removal character appearance game mechanics long rest short rest video game industry How to Remove Blood and Dirt in Baldur’s Gate 3
In a world with constant dangers popping out at every corner, the odds are that you and your party will receive some damage. In Baldur’s Gate 3, said damage will be noticeable on your character’s face and body. This will feature blood, dirt, mud, and even open wounds as a result of a confrontation. While the crude nature of battle makes this realistic, you might not want to see them all the time. Especially during some closeups during cutscenes or dialogues. Thankfully, there is a way to get rid of these battle scars. Here is how to remove blood and dirt in Baldur’s Gate 3.
0 308 0August 15, 2023 -
anti-hack system best open-world PC games best RPGs bug fixes cease and desist cheaters drop rate Early Access Epic items game dev studio game launcher games media industry Golden Chests hackers indie games journalism degree Lions Head loot hunters medieval action RPG News Writer Nintendo Ornate PC game Pokémon police search rare loot Steam stolen code TechRadar Gaming Uncommon items university newspaper Xenoblade Chronicles Dark and Darker’s new update cracks down on hackers
This month, the medieval action RPG Dark and Darker finally entered early access. To mark the occasion, a new update has been rolled out which has said bye-bye to hackers, and hello to rare loot.
0 417 0August 14, 2023 -
donation Hawaii Pokémon Go Pokémon Trading Card Game Pokémon video games Pokémon World Championships wildfire relief efforts wildfires Pokémon World Championships 2024 to take place in Hawaii
The Pokémon Company has confirmed that 2024’s Pokémon World Championships will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii, and that it is donating $200,000 to support the state’s wildfire relief efforts.
0 320 0August 14, 2023 -
building business opportunities development centre Expansion game development Kyoto Nintendo staff increase Nintendo’s New Development Centre Delayed for Expansion
Nintendo is reportedly set to delay the completion of its new development centre in Japan. Last year the company successfully purchased the land next to its main headquarters in Kyoto, and announced plans to build a new development centre there. The roughly 10,000 metre-squared site, which Nintendo purchased for ¥5 billion ($34.7 million), will be the home of its new building, tentatively named Corporate Headquarters Development Centre Building No 2.
0 240 0August 10, 2023