A recent animated short in the Starfield: The Settled Systems series revealed that humans have created mechanized armor suits for warfare and interplanetary exploration. These mechs played a significant role in the Colony War fought near Akila City, suggesting that remnants of these machines may be found beyond the city walls.
Entertainment game development Video Games Starfield Introduces Jail System and Exciting Features
Starfield, one of the most highly anticipated RPG games this year, is approaching its release. Bethesda, the iconic developer, recently held a Q&A session on Discord to answer fan questions about the game.
0 229 0August 16, 2023 -
History intergalactic war narrative organizations platform names space colonization Video Games A New Starfield Timeline Unveils Life Before Constellation
With less than a month until the release of Starfield, a new timeline has emerged which reveals the history of mankind on Mars leading into the events of the game. Starfield is one of the biggest upcoming games of the year and time will tell whether it is one of the best RPGs. Revealed on the official website, the ‘Story So Far’ details a timeline from 2050 all the way up until two years before the events of the game in 2328.
0 221 0August 15, 2023